John Skinner Of Revenue Solution On The Future Of Artificial Intelligence

An Interview With David Leichner

David Leichner, CMO at Cybellum
Authority Magazine


Privacy and data security: The use of AI requires careful handling of sensitive data, necessitating robust security measures to protect individuals’ privacy and prevent unauthorized access.

As a part of my series about the future of Artificial Intelligence, I had the pleasure of interviewing John Skinner.

John Skinner, CEO of RSI. John’s career has focused on fast-paced innovation in modern web delivery of SaaS and PaaS applications. He specializes in refactoring legacy systems to cloud-native architectures across a variety of languages and frameworks. Prior to joining RSI, John was CTO of OptioSurgical where he led R&D for the SaaS company combining point of use tracking of surgical implanted devices with advanced analytics to increase patient outcomes. He was also CSO at AlchemyIoT and directed market strategy for the IoT and artificial intelligence platform; CTO of Documoto where he led R&D of the SaaS electronic parts and documentation application used by many of the largest manufacturers in the world; and Director at Configuresoft where he headed R&D of this fast-paced startup from incubation to successful exit to VMWare.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you share with us the ‘backstory” of how you decided to pursue this career path?

My journey into the intersection of technology and government began with a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by governments in the digital age. Recognizing the transformative potential of AI, I was driven to leverage my expertise in software engineering and management to address these needs. It was the desire to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the betterment of society that led me down this path.

Can you tell our readers about the most interesting projects you are working on now?

Currently, I am deeply involved in projects that focus on aligning AI capabilities with the specific needs of governments. We are developing AI-driven solutions like revX to enhance decision-making processes, optimize resource allocation, and improve public services. By closely collaborating with government agencies, understanding their pain points, and leveraging our technological expertise, we aim to create tailored solutions that address their unique requirements.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I am incredibly grateful for the guidance and support of my father throughout my journey. His wisdom about listening and understanding the motivations behind communication has been invaluable in my personal and professional life. One particular instance that stands out is when I was transitioning into management. He encouraged me to truly listen to my employees, understand their perspectives, and consider their input when making decisions. This approach fostered a culture of trust, collaboration, and innovation within the teams I’ve led, enabling us to achieve remarkable results.

What are the 5 things that most excite you about the AI industry? Why?

  • Tailored solutions for governments: AI has the potential to revolutionize public services, enhance policy-making, and streamline government operations by providing customized solutions that address specific challenges.
  • Improved decision-making: AI-powered analytics and forecasting can provide valuable insights to governments, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and better serve their citizens.
  • Enhanced public safety and security: AI can help governments analyze vast amounts of data to detect patterns, identify potential threats, and improve emergency response capabilities.
  • Increased efficiency and resource optimization: AI automation and optimization techniques can optimize processes, reduce costs, and improve the allocation of resources in government operations.
  • Ethical and responsible AI: The industry’s growing focus on ethical AI ensures that AI systems are developed and deployed with considerations for fairness, transparency, and accountability.

What are the 5 things that concern you about the AI industry? Why?

  • Privacy and data security: The use of AI requires careful handling of sensitive data, necessitating robust security measures to protect individuals’ privacy and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Bias and fairness: AI algorithms must be developed with attention to potential biases and fairness concerns, as they can perpetuate or amplify existing societal biases if not properly addressed.
  • Job displacement: The rapid advancement of AI may result in job disruptions, necessitating reskilling and upskilling programs to help individuals transition into new roles and industries.
  • Lack of explainability: The “black box” nature of certain AI models raises concerns about their interpretability, making it challenging to understand the decision-making process and potential biases embedded within.
  • Regulation and policy: The AI industry requires responsible governance frameworks and regulations that balance innovation, consumer protection, and societal well-being.

As you know, there is an ongoing debate between prominent scientists, (personified as a debate between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg,) about whether advanced AI poses an existential danger to humanity. What is your position about this?

While I acknowledge the importance of considering potential risks and challenges associated with AI, I believe that responsible development and regulation can mitigate these concerns. It is crucial to focus on ethical AI practices, ensure transparency, and establish collaborative efforts between governments, industry leaders, and researchers to address any potential dangers while harnessing the benefits AI can bring.

What can be done to prevent such concerns from materializing? And what can be done to assure the public that there is nothing to be concerned about?

To prevent concerns, a combination of factors is necessary. This includes investing in research and development, fostering cross-sector collaborations, and implementing robust regulatory frameworks. Transparency and explainability of AI systems are key, as is proactive engagement with the public through education, awareness campaigns, and clear communication about the intentions, limitations, and safeguards associated with AI technologies.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world? Can you share a story?

I believe in using my success to bring goodness to the world by aligning our company’s goals with the needs of society. When we started revX, our aim was not only to benefit revenue agencies across the US but also to make a real difference in the lives of taxpayers. We wanted to go beyond just providing a modern interface — we wanted to create clear communication channels between governments and citizens. By doing so, we improve tax compliance and make it easier for taxpayers to navigate the process of filing returns. At RSI, we’re deeply committed to taking on social and environmental challenges through meaningful projects and partnerships. It’s something we’re truly proud of and it drives us every day.

As you know, there are not that many women in your industry. Can you advise what is needed to engage more women into the AI industry?

To engage more women in the government software creation industry, we need to foster an inclusive environment that values diversity and provides equal opportunities. This involves promoting STEM education for girls from a young age, establishing mentorship programs, providing scholarships and internships specifically targeted at women, and highlighting successful women role models in the field. By breaking down gender barriers and encouraging diverse perspectives, we can unlock the full potential of women in government software creation.

What is your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share a story of how that had relevance to your own life?

My father told me when I was a young teenager that “we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen more than you speak. Understand what someone is telling you, and more importantly, WHY someone is telling you something.”

As a stubborn teen who thought he knew it all, I didn’t fully grasp the point at a time. As I grew older, I realized just how much that bit of sage advice could impact my success in my personal life as well as in business.

As a software engineer, I found the more I listened to customer requirements, the more impactful my algorithms became. As I progressed in my career into management, I found the more I listened to my employees, the better my tactical decisions became. As a CTO and then CEO, I have found that as I listen to the customer, the advisors, the field staff, the more I understand the challenges and opportunities that my company faces the better strategy I can develop to best place us for success.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I could start a movement, it would focus on promoting ethical and inclusive technology adoption in government and public services. This movement would aim to educate policymakers, citizens, and industry stakeholders about the potential of technology to address societal challenges while ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability. By fostering responsible practices and empowering governments to leverage technology effectively, we can create positive change at scale and benefit the maximum number of people.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

To stay updated with our work and insights, you can follow visit RSI’s website and social media channels. We regularly share updates, case studies, and thought leadership articles that highlight our contributions in leveraging AI to address government needs. Additionally, you can connect with me on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, where I share industry trends, engage in discussions, and collaborate with fellow professionals.

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational, and we wish you continued success in your important work.

About The Interviewer: David Leichner is a veteran of the Israeli high-tech industry with significant experience in the areas of cyber and security, enterprise software and communications. At Cybellum, a leading provider of Product Security Lifecycle Management, David is responsible for creating and executing the marketing strategy and managing the global marketing team that forms the foundation for Cybellum’s product and market penetration. Prior to Cybellum, David was CMO at SQream and VP Sales and Marketing at endpoint protection vendor, Cynet. David is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jerusalem Technology College. He holds a BA in Information Systems Management and an MBA in International Business from the City University of New York.



David Leichner, CMO at Cybellum
Authority Magazine

David Leichner is a veteran of the high-tech industry with significant experience in the areas of cyber and security, enterprise software and communications